

Fogászati újdonságok blogja Újdonságok LED lámpás fogfehérítés Led lámpás fogfehérítés, amely mindössze 3X15=45 percet igényel, és fájdalommentes! Az eljárást kétféle anyaggal vagy 6 %-os hidrogénperoxiddal,…

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Orthodontic treatment can be performed from infancy (2-6 years) to adulthood (35 years), unless there are contraindications. It is important to start treatment at an optimal age and preferably not for too long.

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For grinding teeth, head-neck-back pain, migraine, a special miniature bite lift is the so-called “bite lift”. We recommend NTI, for clenchers we prefer the traditional full bite levers with deep-drawn technique, usually made for the lower arch.

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Trainer braces

Trainer family Prefabricated plastic, CAD-designed appliances that the dentist can hand over to the patient immediately after fitting in the mouth. It can help to eliminate certain abnormal muscle functions and bad habits (finger sucking, sucking, lip and cheek sucking, mouth breathing), and thus ensure ideal facial and dental development in these children. Applicable to:–

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Invisible orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics is a revolutionary new transparent splinting technique where the patient has to wear so-called aligners, or splints, for 20-24 hours. On average, the patient receives the new splints from their doctor every 2 weeks. The number of rails depends on the complexity of the treatment. The aligner technique is fast and invisible! The

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